
“I believe in being an innovator.” - Walt Disney

Tim Tim Metz - Producer
Tim Metz is currently working as a producer on the GIDb team, as well as taking an active part in innovation research for the database.  Originally a Film/TV student at Loyola Marymount University as an undergraduate, Tim came to the ETC based both on his passion for digital gams, as well as his desire to see the mediums of games and film merge in the near future.  With the GIDb, Tim hopes to create a site that can not only inform the public about the wonderful history of digital games, but also inspire current and future game designers to create wonderful innovations of their own.
Chris Chris Crone - Programmer
I’m currently studying game design at the Entertainment Technology Center. I joined the Game Innovation Database project hoping to contribute a new way of understanding the evolution of game innovations. My roles on the project team are tree visualization programmer and innovation researcher.
Shruti Shruti Kalantri - Programmer
After receiving her undergraduate degree in Information Technology from Bombay, India Shruti came to the ETC with a view to make applications with a right blend of technology and art. Shruti is currently working on the GIDB project as a programmer and contributing to the research for the database. She is excited about working on the game Innovation project where she can hope to create something which will be of use to the academians, hobbyists and game designers alike.
Melanie Melanie Haskell - Programmer
Melanie has been interested in games and how their innovations shape and influence the world all her life. Before coming to the ETC Melanie majored in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon. During her undergrad she took an independent study based on gathering research data for the game innovation database. Now she's on the project as a graduate student in the hopes to make the database a useful resource for all who are interested in learning about and/or making innovative games.
Ankur Ankur Ahlawat - Database Programmer "
GIDB has a lot of potential, and Ankur can see that. He will make sure he plays his part well in the success of this project.
Christopher Boette - Research Lead
With a yearning to make good on the promise he made to his dying grandfather, Chris came to the ETC with the intention of putting the Story into games. Even though his grandfather did not actually die, Chris persisted in his coursework, building virtual worlds, visualizing stories and improvising all along the way. Now, he has been assigned the awesome [as in awe-inspiring] task of working in the group, composed of many capable individuals, that will create the framework into which all digital game innovations will fit. Chris is working on the design of the Game Innovation Database and will soon start research into which games were inspired by Donkey Kong and who really first used the double jump.
Jesse Jesse Schell - Faculty Advisor