Hello Everyone!

We are Team Space Pirates! We have an awesome team this semester and we aim to create a Space Pirate themed AR Board Game!

So our awesome team is

Alan Turner (Artist/Designer)
Ketul Majmudar (Programmer)
Mengqi Wu (Sound Designer/Programmer)
Pradnesh Patil (Producer/Programmer)
Richard Aguirre (Artist/Designer)

We all planning to design this game which seems to be a very interesting challenge!

We decided to think of an interesting name but we ended up choosing Space Pirates because it sounds so cool and we truly arrrr Space Pirates! (Not sorry. More pirate jokes incoming)

We spent our first week setting up our room and brainstorming ideas and mechanics for the games.

There lies a very big challenge where we are treading into uncharted waters with respect to technology(multiplayer simultaneous AR) but we are all very passionate about this project and will deliver a great product!

This semester, we plan to spend the first third of the semester(till week 5) prototyping mechanics and finding the interesting mechanics and game play elements by play-testing with students from the ETC and other board game clubs. We will also be simultaneously working on setting up the networking back-end and the turn based mechanic. We are mainly doing this to know what elements of AR and board games work great together and how we can leverage the interesting possibilities with the availability of a digital interface for a board game.

Post this prototyping stage, we’ll get into actual production and put together all these pieces and work on tweaking these game mechanics.

Joke of the week!

Q. What’s a space pirate’s favorite planet?
A. mArrrrs