Week 3

Vis Viva Week 3:

This week our team decided on an idea to begin prototyping! We will be focusing on oil and natural gas. Our idea is to have students play collaboratively to find and extract the resources. One player will have an iPad and be able to tap to locate where the oil is on the map. Other players will work together to control a drill and collect the oil. We are thinking of having some sort of control panel or station that will be a physical installation in the room, but we are still thinking about what form it will take exactly.

This week our programmers started to prototype and test some tech mechanics, like how two screen networking will work and how to drill for resources. Our artists continued to wrap up the logo and poster designs, and began discussing and researching what art style will work best for our experience. And our sound and game designer worked on the story and design documents for our game.

We met with our client and the classroom teachers to discuss our latest idea and think about our next steps. They are excited about the direction we are heading in and we will hopefully be going on location to see an oil rig in the near future to help us gain a better understanding of the oil extraction process, what the machinery looks like and how it works.

We also shot our team photo this week, and will edit it next week.

Next week we will continue to prototype our idea further in preparation for ΒΌ walk-arounds.

Posted in Newsletters.

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