Through Alice, millions of kids are going to have incredible fun while learning something hard. They’ll develop skills that will help them achieve their dreams… I am comforted to have Alice as a professional legacy.
-Randy Pausch –The Last Lecture

Randy helped start both Alice and the ETC, so it’s fitting to serve as the academic home for Alice at CMU and honor Randy’s legacy.

Alice is a free to download, innovative software tool that allows students who have never programmed before to easily create animations for telling stories, creating an interactive game, or making a video to share on the web.

Using 3D graphics and a drag-and-drop interface, Alice provides a more engaging, less frustrating first experience as students develop problem solving skills and learn object-oriented programming, even transitioning to the Java programming language. Alice nurtures student creativity, and is very successful in attracting women and other underrepresented groups into computer science.

The Alice system has a well developed curriculum, including textbooks, instructional materials, tutorials, and on-line support. Alice is now used around the world, and is implemented in languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, and Arabic.

Visit the Alice site for more information and to download the software.

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    700 Technology Dr. Pittsburgh, PA. 15219
