Newsletter Week 12: Wires are encased

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In week 10, the team prioritized tasks for the rest of the semester, this week we have been accomplishing well in getting more complete game flow into the game. We now have the summary screen which will show players’ individual performance, their rewarding titles, how well the team collaborates, and the accuracy comparison between the current performance and the history record.

The team has also been very proactive in finding target audience playtesters. We are getting ready to playtest in CMU West’s annual carnival at NASA Research Park where families and children can come try out our game. We also reached out to a local elementary school’s parents network with the help from our advisor. So far the team is in very good shape in terms of getting young playtesters.

The tutorial is one of the indispensable segments for DoReMi Pets. To help players ease into the experience, the team decided to make it interactive. The interactions of the game will be broken down into small pieces so that the players can learn and practice their instrument. By working through this, players will have better understanding about how the game works and be more prepared when the actual gameplay starts.

The team is also finalizing the instruments. We have been working on multiple tasks, from making circuit casings to finding finger friendly buttons for putting on instruments. By Wednesday, casings are done. Now the instruments’ controllers are more user friendly than ever before. However, it is not always easy to find the ideal piece even though we did received a lot great ideas about how to improve the hardware.

We are going to have several waves of playtests next week. It will be a valuable opportunity to get feedback for the game. We are getting prepared and looking forward to it.