Welcome to the week of the Halves Presentation!
On Monday one of our advisors, Heather and the producer, Chris drove to EFSD to attend their event on interactive educational experience. Many teachers and lecturers came to the event to see how EFSD applies interactive technologies to teach science subjects. Flint successfully presented our new project as the third project in the series, and promoted the Entertainment Technology Center as the professional developer of educational games.
On Tuesday, the team well rehearsed the presentation which would be on air on Wednesday, and finalized the slides and demos.
On Wednesday Flint presented the progresses. We stated every piece we had tried: the ideas on installations, the playtest, the experience flow, and clearly stated our plan and risk assessment. Several questions from the faculties mentioned some nuances that we overlooked and were very helpful.
On Thursday EA representatives came and visited the project team. After that, the team discussed some feedback from the Halves, and started to concern about changes we should made according to it.
To solve the outstanding problem, which was the not yet determined installation, on Friday we had a meeting with the client about a bunch of detailed questions. We were running out of time, and we should quickly make decision on it. This meeting was very successful; the client (which were the two teachers from EFSD) clearly stated their need and concerns about all the detailed questions. The team were now very clear about what to make.
And it’s Halloween – we have an interesting picture of our meeting 🙂

The Saturday was the ETC playtest day. The team mainly tested the blade design system and the terrain simulator, which were the two major part of the experience. We had around 70 playtesters from 9~17 years old, a lot of which were our target audience (13 years old middle schoolers). The playtesters gave us the direct feedback on how they feel about each of the system, also stating some of their concern when filling the questionnaires. It was very helpful!
From the playtest day, some part of the experience seemed to be confusing to the players. The team needed to figure out how to improve that. See you next week!