Foxhole 1.0 Team

Chen Yang


Editor, Compositor, VFX

Coming from a film background Chen has completed many short films serving in the director, cinematographer, and editor roles. Now he is developing his compositing and VFX skills while at ETC. His technical knowledge and editor’s eye will take Foxhole’s output above and beyond.

James Vollberg




Regis Frey


Lead Writer

Graduating as a fiction writer from University of Pittsburgh, Regis has been practicing experience design on a broad scale, from web design to games  to apps. This project is an opportunity to return to his writing background while also bringing visual design skills to bear. In his role as lead writer he helps merge the creative ideas of the team into a consistent story.

Himanshu Vartak


Assistant Director/Writer

A programmer by education and experience, Himanshu has always harbored a passion for filmmaking. He began by making short films during his undergrad in Mumbai and has continued by taking advanced filmmaking classes with project adviser Ralph Vituccio. He continues to hone his aesthetic with the Pittsburgh Filmmakers and hopes to put to good use these skills in making a fascinating and visually entrancing film.


Paul-Anthony Navarro

Director, Writer, Sound Designer

Paul tells stories.

Whether he is writing scripts, designing games, composing music, or directing live action or animation, he has an unyielding passion for telling stories.

He has a BA in Theater Arts, a Masters in Theater Arts and English education, and has been worked in video production and the theater for most of his adult life. Paul is focusing his studies on writing, directing, and producing for a variety of media and is very excited to be on the ETC’s first yearlong animation project.


Zhengyi Wang


Concept Artist

Graduated in Tsinghua University, Zhengyi was majored in architecture before he came to ETC, which gives him a solid background in both art and design. Now at ETC Zhengyi is a 2D artist who focuses on concept art for both games and animations. His goal in ETC is to create beautiful and meaningful artworks which can fit in the mood and interpret the narrative of an entertainment experience.



Ralph Vituccio, John Dessler, James Duesing (External Advisor)