week 12

Fan You:

During this week, Fan 
1. Looked into the low level API of iRobot and successfully implemented a higher level abstraction for basic control of iRobot, (e.g. Turn left, Turn right, Move Forward, Move backward.) Also, Fan wrap it with a TCP Connection and create a tool called robotBerry, which will enable iRobot to receive command remotely together with an raspberry pi.
His plan for next week
1. try to calibrate the iRobot with the virtual robot and tuning the parameter. When everything is ready, start integrate real robot into virtual robot.

Allyn Chen:

During this week, Allyn
1. Implemented function control feature into game 2.
2. Finished a path finding feature in game 2.
3. Fixed several bugs.
His plan for next week
1. Adjust game 2 base on last Friday playtest.
2. Polish game 2 for the soft opening.

Michael Zhang:

During this week, Michael

1. Further refinement based on Jessica’s feedback on Monday’s adviser meeting.
2. Playtest in EFSD.
His plan for next week

1. Join second game’s development process
2. Develop prototype of real robot communication.

Aaron Li:

During this week, Aaron
1. Organized Playtest
2. Interviewed Math teacher
His plan for next week
1. Join second game’s programming development
2. Prepare material for 30s, 3min video
3. Update website