Parallel: Week Thirteen

Week thirteen update:

In week thirteen we’ve focused on getting our build ready for soft opening. Early in the week we drove out to Elizabeth Forward High School for a playtesting session with the students in the game creation class and beginner programming class. These students were a mix of genders and ages, with varying experience in playing games. We tested our most recent build with the new environment, updated UI, and narrative/tutorial VO. Our survey can be found here.

Following this playtesting session, we’ve worked on polishing the build, showing to faculty for feedback on soft opening presentations. Most of this focus has been on improving ease of usability so students will be able to focus on learning the puzzles and concepts behind them rather than how to use/navigate the game.

This weekend and upcoming week, we plan to re-record the voiceover, adding in narrative. In addition to this, we are finishing up the final version of the UI, and tweaking some of the puzzles that presented problems during playtests.