All posts by pittsburgh-challenge-admin

Pittsburgh Challenge (week 1)

We are team Pittsburgh Challenge. We are a team of Programmers and Artists who are passionate about the city of Pittsburgh, and build upon the spirit of a community in Pittsburgh. We are privileged to have Shirley Saldamarco and Jessica Trybus as our advisors, and Eben Myers from Etcetera Edutainment as our client.

During our first week, we had a couple of Blue Sky brainstorming meeting, we decided the name of our team (Yay!!), we met our advisors and figured out the perfect seating arrangement for the team.

Our teams vision is to build a Mobile app which encourages people to do physical tasks together with other people in their community. Make people get out of their homes, meet other awesome people with similar interests in the community and collaborate/compete with them to perform tasks and activities which they love to do. We want to build upon the social thread which runs through the community of yinzers.

For next week, we plan on brainstorming about the marketing material for our project, design the logo, the website and the poster. We also plan on having a meeting with our client Eben and brainstorm the ideas which we have came up for our project with him.

By the end of next week, we plan on having a strong grip on the vision of our project and the expectations from our advisors and client. That would help us to reach a point where we can start working towards the technical and visual design for our project.