iOS Shenanigans (week 7)

This week we spent a lot of time struggling with getting our app built on an iPhone, we have been facing several issues with getting a build running on iPhone. The most irritating being the fact that we have to use CMU’s iOS developer account. By the end of the week even though we were able to get our app working on a phone instead of a simulator. We still are facing a few issues on the front of adding new devices to our provisioning profile.

Meanwhile, Kelin our designer has been doing an awesome job in terms researching about the UI for our app and working on it. Andy and Gus got the infrastructure for a check-in up and running.  Also, we had a prototype with the Mural Finder mission up and running this week.

So, we did struggled with the limitations of a shared developer account but we still got a lot done this week. Next week we plan to integrate some of the UI’s that Kelin has made, shine up our prototype and do playtesting.