Completing the Feedback Loop (week 12)

This week we organized an open house on Wednesday, where we invited the faculty and students in ETC to come to our room and look at our progress since halves.

The open house was a good motivation for the team to have a mid week deliverable instead of a deliverable at the end of the week for the client meeting. We got the photo taking mission working while ironing out the UI and also getting the Pittsburgh movies mission in the game.

We also got some really good feedback from the open house regarding how we can have a trivia based game mechanic too in our game and other suggestions regarding refining our UI and some more features we can add.

Eben also introduced us to some of his friends who are interested in helping us with testing our app. We have sent them a build of our game and hopefully they should be able to test our game over the weekend and provide us feedback on the same.

For next week we are planning to have some more user testing and prepare for softs.