RPG Style
Team RiverRun is developing a cooperative RPG style multiplayer mobile game "Solidarity", to help students overcome emotional or social difficulties, especially in the area of communication, through the power of teamwork. The game is set in a Sci-Fi space environment, and each player is an on-board crew member. They have to achieve their goal, which is to defend themselves from alien attacks, by effective verbal communications and cooperations.Read More
Week 14
This Monday, we had our projects soft-opening and during that we got a lot of valuable suggestions. And base on the feedback we made a lot of adjustment on our project. First, we change the layout of our player UI to put information together, also, we simplify the information to make it more clear. Then Read more about Week 14[…]
week 13
We finished the tutorial of three roles for the game and kept preparing for the delivery on the next week. Tutorial for Striker: Tutorial for Defender: Tutorial for Engineer: Emily finished the ultimate skill for the defender and finished the texture for the citizen ship. She also polished the portal effect, the shield effect and the striker Read more about week 13[…]
Week 12
This Thursday, we went to Colonial Campus and brought our game to do play test with the students. We asked for the original group of students which keep play testing with us to test the game play, new art, and leader board. At first, we showed our main character picture, created by Sophia. This character will Read more about Week 12[…]
Week 11
Regarding the feedback from half presentation and ETC playtest, we decided to make a lot of changes. Because we scheduled a new playtest with our client on Thursday, we had to build a new version with those modifications. 3D Art: We added several new visual effects. For example, Emily modified enemy’s attack effect, striker’s Read more about Week 11[…]
Week 10
Updates and Changes — based on half presentation and playtest With halves finished, we turned out focus back to our game development. Through presentation on Oct 30th, we got plenty of good feedback and comments from faculties which let us know we are definitely on the right track and we clearly know our client and Read more about Week 10[…]
Week 9
User Interface Sophia finished Mission Complete Page version 1. 3D Art Emily finished player spaceship texture, enemy spaceship modelling and enemy spaceship texture. Development For the development for the project, we finished the basic mechanism of the game, including the update the art asset, the attack from the enemies, the attack from our spaceship(except the Read more about Week 9[…]
Week 8
Second Playtest This Tuesday, we went to Colonial Campus and brought our first playable version game to do play test with the students. We asked for two different group of students to help us to test the game play as well as our art choice and style. First, we learned the lesson from the last Read more about Week 8[…]
Week 7
Coming back from our first playtest on our client’s campus, we started putting stuff in our game. During this week, we didn’t go to playtest again, since we would like to focus on development. 3D Art: Emily kept working on the spaceship. During the first playtest, we showed the spaceship to the students there, Read more about Week 7[…]
Week 6
First Playtest On this Wednesday (10/07/2015), we drove to the Colonial School to do our first playtest. As for the goal of this playtest, we want to know students better includes their interest and game experience. Besides, we tested our art from the UI and spaceship model parts. We got lots of feedback from students about art and Read more about Week 6[…]
Week 5
Quarter Walkarounds at 10/30 (Wednesday) Team’s quarter walkaround was on Wednesday(10/30). Before quarter, we made a demo on iPads in order to clearly show our game design and current progress. About the presentation, we were focus on introducing our client, our goal, platform, story and gameplay. The quarter went really well. After the presentation and discussion with Read more about Week 5[…]
Week 4
Client Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 23th 2015 We met our client in Colonial School at Grindstone. Before the meeting, we had prepared and printed the questions we had and some reference for the client to better understand our current game design. During the meeting, we first explained our current design and then asked the questions to them, Read more about Week 4[…]
Week 3
This week, we set up our schedule and revise our design to make the first design documentation, also, we finished our branding materials, including posters, half-sheet and logo. Schedule Timeline We set up our brief timeline to help ourselves to manage our process and time to finish and polish our work.After meeting with faculty, we Read more about Week 3[…]
Week 2
Week 2 (09/07/2015 – 09/13/2015) During this week, our main goal is to brainstorm ideas regarding the information we collected from client last week. We totally came up with three raw ideas: Concept 1 – World of Wizards Mechanic: Multiplayer online RPG The background is a Magic school. Every player is a wizard who has Read more about Week 2[…]
Week 1
Ready for the new semester At the first day (8/31/2015), we did an effective group meeting to determine everyone’s roles and interests towards the project. During the meeting, we elected our coproducers. Feiran Wang has better communication with client and faculties, and Zhen Geng is the person who does a good job in managing all Read more about Week 1[…]