Week 3

This week we are creating the project branding stuff. After brainstorming, we came up with some ideas and made some prototypes.


Also, we had a very juicy meeting with our client – Todd, Jamie and Paul. Over the past few days leading up to the meeting, our team had been looking through all the resources Todd had provided, including teaching materials from 3rd to 5th grades. Moreover, we have looked up some paper in embodied learning and SMALLab via Google scholar and so on. And we also investigated previous ETC projects using SMALLab.Over the past few days leading up to the meeting, our team had been looking through all the resources Jim had provided, from which we came up with an initial overarching idea of what we wanted our deliverable to be, which we  pitched to Todd, Jamie and Paul:

  1. A selecting game: there will be several pieces divided from a round candy, and students are supposed to select the correct amount to get certain fractions.
  2. A choosing game: there will be several piles of candy and students are supposed to choose the correct one among all the choices to get certain fractions.
  3. A numberline game: there will be a numberline from 0 to 1, on which students are supposed to choose the correct fractions.

We are about to make these ideas into digital prototype in the next two weeks. After that we are going to conduct a playtest at Twin Rivers Primary School.

Here is our final team photo



Our final half-sheet


Our final poster





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