Week 4

Hi all, In last week’s post, we talked about our ideas briefly. This week, we conducted a playtest at Twin Rivers with our draft prototype. As the above picture shows, it is a prototype of the number-line I mentioned in last blog. With the notches on the line, students are supposed to pick a fraction[…]

Week 3

This week we are creating the project branding stuff. After brainstorming, we came up with some ideas and made some prototypes.   Also, we had a very juicy meeting with our client – Todd, Jamie and Paul. Over the past few days leading up to the meeting, our team had been looking through all the resources[…]

Week 1&2

Hello World! Team SmAll is looking into helping primary school students understand the concept of fractions better through an interactive way. Frequently, students from 3rd – 5th grades struggle with fractions, both concept and calculation. The games that already exist are often too hard or too simple. Team SmAll is creating an interactive game for[…]