

Our Game Explained

The game comprises of two team playing against each other in a hunt for the final treasure! The two teams search for puzzle pieces in an open area to complete a puzzle and discover the location to “dig” for a treasure. Players can see themselves and their team mates in real time on the map, as well as the pieces they are trying to “dig” for.


Once a player reaches a point to gain a puzzle piece, he stands and digs for that piece on the designated spot. If, however, an opposition player joins him on this spot, the digging can be halted. This then starts a king of the hill mechanic. Both players can call for help from their team mates, causing a rush to their aid. Once there are more of one team there, digging begins again and the piece is collected.


Once pieces have been collected, players on the same team can sync their puzzle pieces with each other by coming together and bumping their phones against one another.



Once players have collected all of the pieces to complete the puzzle, the location of the final treasure is revealed. The players of that team must all run to that location and start the final dig. The more players of that team that are there, the faster the dig time is. If the other team is aware enough, then can realize the location and try to dig the final treasure out from under the opposing team, by getting more players there in a shorter time.Picture9

 The team who collects this final treasure, wins the game! The game should be played with at least six players. The size of the teams can grow and testing will allow for the optimal sizes to be discovered!