Week 6

This week, we had quarters sit down and had a few faculty visit our project to try out the most recent prototype. We received valuable feedback on how to make our experience more engaging and personal. One of the feedback we are considering to implement to our experience is, building a gradual increase of comfort level by starting the experience in a less personal space ( ex. living room) and moving into a more personal space( ex. bedroom).

In terms of playtesting, we have sent out story surveys to doctors through Kristen from the Ryan Foundation and is in the process of refining each story.


Digital playtest

For the digital playtest, we built a prototype of the second phase of our experience, the doctor phase. We focused on building the doctor and the clinic in 3d and implementing it to VR. We also tested some of the transitions between the scenes.

In terms of interaction, we had a feedback from our past playtest saying that too much information was given when they interacted with the objects. So we tried to divide some of the sound clips into smaller interactions and tried to see what it felt like(Ex. flipping pages triggers small bits of the sound clip)

From the playtest, we learned that the bloom transition disturbed some of the people and it didn’t fit well in our experience. Also, although having an actual doctor in the scene seemed to work well, but we realized we need to iterate more on the appearance of the model.

We learned that we are going in the right direction but we now need to pay more attention to detail and the overall structure of the story.




For next week, we have decided focus fully on creating a concrete full version of the experience we are building instead of focusing on the small parts. We feel like we have done enough playtests on interaction to go run with. This is the turning point where we need to combine all the small parts we’ve tested and see what that feels like.

So we are aiming to build and agree on a story structure and start building and fine-tuning based on that.