Week 7: Initializing

1 March, 2014

Week 7:  Initializing

Having received the green light from our client and our advisors, we hit the ground running this week and started crafting our game.

On Monday, we created the first rough digital prototype of our game in Unity.  We used this as a guide for our development team.  Our programmers then did some research of Node.js to figure out the best way to create this same experience in HTML5 and for multiple users to play at once.  By Thursday, we had another prototype that allowed multiple players to access and play the prototype from different computers.  This proved to be a success and as a team, we also found it to be entertaining to play!

Once we had our first tech prototype, our team began working on our product backlog to help us figure out what we wanted to include in this game and to prioritize our tasks to make for the most efficient production schedule.  Jack began working on some concept art for the game, specifically the User Interface.  Tim, Lisa, and Janet continued to research the social issue in more depth so as to obtain some hard numbers and data that we could build our game around.

On Friday we met with our faculty advisors and later our client, and we showed both of them the prototype that we created.  Overall they seemed pleased and provided us with some helpful feedback to guide us along in the process.

Next week we plan to create another prototype that includes some art assets.  We will also be testing the GPS and potentially other positioning/tracking technologies.  We are hoping to conduct a small playtest at the end of the week.