Team Block Party is an Entertainment Technology Center project focused on making a mixed reality interactive LEGO installation at the Hunt Library. We want to create a playful and inspiring space for library users to be able to take a break during what is often a busy or stressful time. Our goal is to allow new insights and shared learnings to organically occur in a collaborative and fun setting. The vision is an experience that utilizes emerging technologies to augment the inherent creative qualities of the LEGO medium, providing an open-ended challenge that guests can tinker with to renew their curiosity for learning.
This location-specific pop-up will involve building and playing with physical LEGO elements, using them to interface with and modify the associated virtual world through our portable computer vision system. This replayable experience is designed for solo and collaborative play, aiming to showcase the innovation happening at Carnegie Mellon and the Hunt Library for the student community through the magic of LEGO!