Author: axon-admin

Week 3: Finding a Problem Space

We’re in full design-mode now, and this week was all about attacking the problem from different angles. We came up with three different ways to attack the problem. The perspective of the performance. The perspective of the “problem-space”. The perspective of emotion-first. We sat down with Judy Choi, a researcher at the Human-Computer Interaction department […]

Week 2: Exploring What’s Possible

The team started the week with an enlightening conversation with our client, Emily Treat. It was an opportunity for us to learn about Games For Change’s priorities in regard to our project. We also got a much better understanding of the parameters surrounding our submission. The project is categorized under “neuro-gaming”, but the focus should […]

Week 1: What is Neuro-gaming?

After getting settled into our work space for the semester, the team got cracking on answering the important question: what exactly is our project? We know our project deals with some combination of neuroscience and virtual reality, but that could mean just about anything. One of our first steps was to speak with our academic […]