After playtest last week, we put more characters in background, more poses of characters in conversations, and small interactive features for fun. We’ve set up next playtest on next Wednesday. Now, we’re focusing on improving experience more intuitive and fun. For the next playtest, we’ll implement more characters which are from various ethnicity, improved UI for recording, and instruction for science reasoning.

This Wednesday, we playtested our experience with our target demographic. They were four 6-11 year old African American children. We’ve got feedback from playtesters about putting more details in background and making better indirect control to re-record and playback. For last two weeks, we’re going to focus on tweaking ramp experience, adding more characters in background, making more character gestures for dialogue, and making pauses between conversations.

This week, we’ve finished recording all voice overs in our project with Samantha. Actors and Actresses performed code-switching that is key point of our project very well. Hyunghwan edited all recordings to use and now is working on putting sound files on our scenes. Minjong and Megan polished art assets, such as character models, background, environment, and some cut scenes. Chitian and Kuang-Hsin improved programming part as well. Now, we’re moving to our almost last milestone. We’ll finish every work by next Monday because we have a playtest on next Wednesday with our target demographic. After getting data from the test, we’re going to polish more to prepare soft opening in Week 14.

We found voice actors who can code-switch between African American English and Mainstream American English. We have a plan to record their voice on next Wednesday and Thursday using our complete script. Since we finished our script, we have been able to work on finalized storyboard. For playtest on Saturday, we implemented temporary animation and voice overs using our own voices. This doesn’t have a feature of code-switching. But, we can test whole experience by this. Next week, our plan is making opening and ending animation and putting interactions on our application.