This week, based on the feedback from our playtest, we started developing our draw system. As the programming process goes on, apart from the 3D UI and drawer system, our team found that integrate all the UIs and all different kinds of objects into the 3D environment and drawer system can be very difficult later on if we want to expand our collection. Therefore, we also started brainstorming on how to map the controls to the controller and develop a 2D UI system.

From our brainstorming session, based on the flow chart we developed last week, we found EXIT CURRENT MODE is a very frequently used function while constructing. After discussion and several play-testing, we decided to use grip button to simulate the exit function. Besides, we decided on most of the interaction mapping to the controller also what to be shown on the menu. Eventually, we will have 3 sides of menus, because referencing existing VR menu systems, we found people feel comfortable with 3 faces and they feel 4 sides menus can be difficult to navigate through.

To more detailedly decide what to shown on each face of the menu, we developed an information architecture for all the objects in the Sims 4 build mode. And you may find a very basic UI mockup from the pictures below.

In detail, programming side, this week we implemented the physical UI of the drawer containing furniture items. Players can now open a drawer, grab a furniture object using the trigger, and release the trigger above the lot to place the item. If the item is not above the lot, it can be thrown around the room. Since furniture can only be placed in grid units, we modified the shader for the lot to highlight the squares that the furniture will snap to. Now it is easy for the player to put furniture objects exactly where they want to.

We also play-tested the constructing walls system and drawer system.

On the art side of things this week, we worked on the design of some of the flat, 2D, UI that the game is looking to implement in the future. We also worked with Ivy to get things in order for our 1/4s walk around Wednesday, so that we do not have to be rushing around Monday afternoon to finish all of those things. The focus was put on redoing our composition box, creating a RACI chart, and creating a general schedule for the semester.

After the generalized work, talking about the design of UI was the next step. We will be continuing to look at this in the following week. We also made a few models that the programmers will be using in the prototypes that they are building. We also shot and edited a team photo this week.

Most important, from our play-test, we learnt that visual indicators are extremely helpful for players. Text indicators will tell the information more accurately and fast while they are trying to figure out what function each button has. Drawer system is still very intuitive in VR, people will very happily open the drawer and try to take objects out and put them onto the map. However, we do need more visual indicators like laser lines or highlighting the grid while user is constructing the wall.

Next week, we will be getting our demo ready for quarter walkarounds and gather more feedbacks on our current development phase and more advices on our project.