This is the week of quarter walkarounds and sitdowns…

Programming wise, our team prototyped our first version of 2D UI and mapped them onto the Vive controller.

We also had our first prototype of scale transformation implemented in VR. Players can switch between the bird eye view and in room first person view and walk around in the space they just built.

Art wise, we finished replicating and creating our own 2D UIs which will be integrated in the experience next week. Besides, we also had most of our kitchen models in the drawer system.

More about quarters, we had a lot of faculty members who are really interested in our project. And we also got many really helpful and insightful feedbacks from our faculties.

It is important to observe Sims players when they are in the build mode on the PC version.
For the drawer system, it could be interesting if the drawers do not feel real. Since our experience is in the VR space, it is not essential to make everything reasonable!
When we categorize all the objects in our experience, is it the best idea to replicate the categorization in Sims 4 PC version, or we can have the objects categorized by different discipline, like color? Style?
And at least 3 faculties also suggested us to playtest with more interior architectures and also playtest more with the actual Sims players to get more insightful advices from the playtests in the future…

You may find a short demo of our work.

Next week, we will integrate our first 2D UI prototype to our program and have our prototype of interaction with UIs on the controller. Best case, we will finish our teleportation functionality and scale transformation ready. It is important for us to start considering what will be the best way for players to control the teleportation and scaling using the Vive controller.