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    This week was about defining the boundaries of our project. We met with our client, defined the meaning of “expressive games,” and brainstormed several ideas for meaningful games.


    Our programmers, Albert, Kiran and Xiao, dived into the research about the capabailties of Ouya’s hardware. Early this week, they developed a goldspike with controller input that ran on the Ouya successfully. Xiao and Kiran gave presentations within the team on Wednesday, covering the Ouya’s features and the limits of its capabilities. On Wednesday afternoon, our team had the first meeting with our client, Paolo Pedercini. Paolo shared his opinion about expressive/experimental games and what they meant to him. In the future, we will have weekly meetings with Paolo.

    Any questions about my Idea ?

    Any questions about my Idea ?

    In order to maximize efficiency during meetings, we decided to split into 3 teams of two to do brainstorming independently. Each group was given a different area of focus to brainstorm on. On Friday, all the 3 teams presented their ideas and we had a joint brainstorming session where we mixed and matched ideas. We discussed what made each of the game ideas meaningful, how the gameplay would support the theme and we improved our initial ideas based on feedback and suggestions from the whole group.


    We will keep conducting research on expressive games and brainstorming ideas over the weekend. We have 13 rough ideas which we are looking to improve on. And by the end of next Monday, we are looking to develop 3 to 5 polished ideas that are ready to be pitched to our client and advisors.


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