It’s almost crazy to think that in just two weeks from today, the Evolve experience will be setting up at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for its inaugural run with the general public. While we iterate and refine, it’s impossible to know how it will be received once its in front of regular museum-goers. In the meantime, we’re continuing to plug away to get this thing done!
With two of our team members out for half the week for a conference, the remainder have been holding down the fort and putting on the extra hats left behind those who have (temporarily) departed. For instance, I never thought I’d be designing a user interface for a simulated computer. I never thought I’d be designing a user interface for anything. But here I am, sharing screen captures of our electron microscope UI. I had to, without much guidance and certainly no prior experience, think out all the possible actions a user might take when interacting with the machine and create all the various screens the players will encounter.

Additionally, filming for the pre-show and post-show videos that are the bedrock of the narrative for this experience were filmed this week. We had a lot of fun filming around Downtown Pittsburgh, and getting some confused looks from passersby who saw our robot rolling around town.

Next week, with the full team back, we’ll be finishing up all props and running final playtests before we have some last input from the ETC faculty early the following week. Then: off to Cleveland!