An end to end solution to quickly and effectively visualize story
Week 1 – Project Starts

Week 1 – Project Starts

Hi! We are team Foresight, a five person team to explore innovative ways of previsualization to help story revision in films. This is a discovery project instructed by Moshe Mahler and Chris Klug.


On this week, we had a first meeting with our instructors and discussed about the project goal. As known, previz has been widely used for CGI movies, VFX scenes or some other complicated scenes in movies to save time and budget. But out of these, how much can previz help the story development process? Can previz motivate good story revision decisions? With these questions, we start our research about what previz studios or tools that are existing and about what are their approaches to visualize a script. ( Previz tools or studios we researched about: The Third Floor, Frameforge Studio, Moviestorm, iClone… )

Based on the observation, we established some scope and areas of interests for our project:

  • Use of technology: We’re interested in using body tracking or face tracking to quickly block-out human motion to facilitate the pipeline and improve the efficiency.
  • Previz for different genres: We also have discussions about questions like – which genre does previz help best? which technology fit each genre most?
  • Previz for story revision: Most previz approaches now are designing for specific scenes or shots. We’re curious about how can previz solve creative problems or how useful doing previz for the whole story is.
  • System inside the pipeline: It’s also important to design a system (such as virtual camera system) which well fits the rules in a real film production process and meanwhile make the whole process way faster and easier.


Tasks we completed for this week:

  • Decided our team name and room theming (we use some film-related elements to theme up our project room :D)
  • Set up out paper calendar
  • Set up team google drive folder, Slack and Trello board for team productivity
  • Clarified responsibilities with RACI Chart
  • Set up our core hours
  • Set up weekly meeting with instructors
  • Requested tech items

And our exciting project…
