Week 6 – Playtest!

From this week client meeting, we understood the importance of playtests. More importantly, we could foreseen lots of feedback without having “real” prototypes. In other words, if we could validate our ideas at early stages, that would fasten our process a lot! Therefore, the plan for playtesting is 

  • 8 in-person playtesters 
  • Formally testing Gibberish Revelation
  • Also showing them basic QR code mechanics and asking for feedback
  • Talking with them about dance game idea 

Although we don’t have complete prototypes for the dance game and QR code game, we could still gain some feedback from our playtesters. 

Understanding the strengths and weakness of our design, we decided to shift our focus to “Spot interaction with Environment” again as people love to observe Spot movements and interact with Spot directly. We had some great ideas and we shared them with our client so that we could have feedback in the first place. Here are some of the ideas we’d like to try really fast:

While quickly experimenting on those ideas, we’ll keep working on dance game.