After a week of adjusting, the team is comfortable with our current way of remote working now.

This week we reflected on the feedback we got from halves, and continually developed our web app. 

Here are some updates:

We added the new emoji into our booth info page. Now if the user mark some booth as visited, the feedback window will pop up, and you can rate your experience at the booth. This is one of the feedback questions, and we will have more of them in the future.

We updated the design of our visited button, after the user mark visit, the icon will change the style.

To make a booth on the recommend page look more clear, we added a little “stamp” and a rocket icon on the visited booth, so the user know they have already been to this booth.

We added a small animation for loading.

And we added three welcome pages at the begining of the experience when the user first visits our app.,



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