Based on the feedback we got from playtesting in the last two weeks, we made a lot of iterations to our web app!

Trello Board

Before going into specific updates, I want to tell you about our team’s new issue tracker – Trello Board.

We found the daily google sheet does not satisfy our needs anymore. From the playtests and feedback, we have too many small fixes and issues that we want to track. It’s very easy to get lost and forget something, we need something to track all the features we want to add, the issues that came up during playtesting. So we created a Trello Board.

We used “user story” to track the issue we can work on, and every morning during our scrum meeting, we decide who can work on which tickets that day.

We put everything initially to “Backlog”. Every Monday, we will take out some tickets and put it into “Doing -this week”, and every morning, we take out some tickets and put them into “Doing – Today”. When a ticket is finished, we put it into the “Done” board.

We also track the progress of each ticket using the “comment” feature. So we know how much progress has been made to that ticket.

Also, if we decided not to do something, either it’s because it’s out of scope, bad design, or issue cannot be reproduced, we move them into the “Not Doing” board, and add a comment on why we decided not to fix this ticket.


We added more feedback questions to the web app, so the user will get a random question when they report visiting a booth.

And wee used different conversation cards for different answers they choose when they submit feedback for each booth. So it feels more natural.

We added two more non-core questions that the users can skip.

We updated our design of emojis!



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