Get Up Get Running !! (week 4)

This week was the action week. We are out of the brainstorming phase and moved into the implementation phase.

Andy and Gus have been working on getting a server running PHP and MySql, which would be able to store the check-ins and information regarding a mission and a user. Lei and Chitian have been working on getting a development environment for iOS up and working and having a small iOS app functionality ready which can let a user check-in at a location.

Kelin, the only artist in our team has been working hard on finishing the marketing material for our project. We have the half sheets, project poster, team photo and our awesome project website up and working.

This week we also had a meeting with Jesse Schell and he gave our team recommendations regarding how to prioritize the features we are planning for our project. Also, how to make our game more personable towards the users by encouraging the users to complete all the missions in the interest category which they are passionate about.

For the next week we plan to have our small demo app working by Monday afternoon, the team is really excited about having a working prototype as soon as possible. We are also preparing for our Quarters presentation coming Wednesday