Week 5 – Walkarounds, Sitdowns, Play test and Design Document


We had faculty walkarounds and sitdowns this week. We received feedback from them, summarized and came up with improvement solutions.

On the other side, in order to tailor our design more user-friendly and effective to achieve our project goals, we conducted a whole day play test activity at ETC.

We summarized the barriers from the testers and came up strategies to tackle with them. We referenced on “Transformational Framework” template and worked on distinctive tasks.

We reached out to experts and got more insights, deep interpretation of data, as well as how to use data. We gathered design documents for better conduct next week’s scrum cycle.



For this week, we refined our system structure into the following diagram:

So far, we were able to get this structure work with Watson.  From the Watson API (Device), it transmits the dictation script to the Filter where it compiles the script (i.e. captures hesitation) and stores the data. Once the filtering is done, it sends the data to the Writer where it actually writes files to the local folder.

Nothing much is done this week since we had a huge shift in design direction. For next week, we will look into Social VR avatar and develop our filter logics.