Week 5 – A Quarter Into the Semester

From last week, the Simtopia team pitched their nailed down prototype idea: 3D modular building simulation in VR that enables change of perspective to the faculty.

With different faculty visiting the project, a lot of feedback was given in terms of creative vision, scope, game mechanics, design implementation, and how to formulate a strategy for the rest of the semester.

As the team shared their milestones with not only the faculty but also their client, Simtopia was able to receive concrete feedback and direction for how they would like to proceed for the semester.

Faculty advisor, Carl Rosendahl visits the Simtopia team for quarters and tries out their current prototype!

For the following week, Simtopia plans on creating a production plan for the rest of semester and especially up to their halves midterm as that is when Simtopia plans on having their working demo prototype completed by. This will be useful information to have in addition to the current milestone trajectory that they hope to hit. By constructing an asset list that prioritizes what is important (things that the experience should have, could have, or would have), Simtopia aims to precisely move in a direction of their gaming experience.

Stay tuned next week to hear about our production plan and refined design for our experience!