Week 13: Pre-Thanksgiving Playtest

Since this was Thanksgiving week, we only had Monday and Tuesday to work. However, we made the most of it! On Monday we finished our implementation, and on Monday evening, we playtested it with ETCers. We offered free pizza and invited our peers to the 5th floor lounge, where we asked them to watch one episode of Relationship Status (episode 4) and then try out our experience. During the playtest, we were focused on answering four questions:

  • Is the experience engaging for people who have watched the show?
  • Is it uncomfortable to keep the phone high enough to see the characters?
  • Do the personality descriptions for each value resonate with users?
  • Is the experience intuitive?

In general, the feedback we received was pretty positive! Users generally stayed in the experience longer than they were required to, answering all of the questions about Episode 4, and then exploring further to answer questions about episodes they had not seen. The majority of users felt that holding the phone was not uncomfortable – especially since they can put the phone down while answering questions, and only need to hold it up while examining characters. The personality descriptions certainly resonated with users – one user, who was given “Integrity,” literally said “That’s so me!” Additionally, we found that our experience was intuitive. We had one playtester who had never used AR before, and he figured out how to use the experience without instruction. While there were a couple of hiccups that we noticed that we wanted to change before finals, overall the playtest was a success.

On Tuesday, we put final polishes in for Softs.