Week 2 Newsletter — Spring 2014

Week 2 Newsletter — Spring 2014

Weekly Newsletter 2!

This week began off the back of a long weekend, owing to Martin Luther King Jr. day. Tuesday started with us discussing final ideas that were going into our pitch for our advisors. We sat together to iron out which we felt like were the best ideas to pitch.

We actually voted on the ideas and the top three came out very strong. The first was a mobile real time strategy game. The second was a treasure hunt game and the last was assassins but with a mobile twist. These we took to the PowerPoint and got it together for the advisors.

After the presentation we were asked various questions on the different choices we made. These ideas were broken down into various constraints that were considered important enough that the game had to adhere to.

  • Large spaces and a lot running was a requirement
  • Non smartphone holders would have to have a role in the game
  • Game should be safe in its environment
  • Does not have to be played in a park

Assassins after these discussions seemed to miss some of these requirements and so we moved forward with the real time strategy and treasure hunt games.

We used the rest of the week to researching tech infrastructure (can be scaled) to show to the advisors at next week’s meeting.  As well as this our designers discussed the finer details of the games to help the tech side with this. Designers and artists will also start looking into 2D tools to give the game a great UI look and feel in the coming weeks.

Hopefully we’ll work out some unique and fun ways to fill all open areas we have now!

TheRunaround runaround_logosquare4.png

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