Author: axon-admin

Week 12: Major Design Pivots

After a weekend attempting to build a custom app with the help of Nitsan Shai, we were able to get a version working. Not only did it have all the functionality we wanted, but it even had chat built in. It wasn’t pretty, but it worked. With this in mind, we decided to make the […]

Week 11: Lessons from Playtest Day

This past Saturday, the ETC held a playtest day where we were able to test our experience with several groups of ordinary people from the Pittsburgh community. For the day, we set it up to get groups of 12-18 playtesters in a room set-up similar to what we will have when we present in New […]

Week 7: Finding Our Design

One of our lasting concern is how to prevent audience from intentionally breaking the game for comical effect. Since we are granting the audience a public chat platform, they have the freedom to essentially post whatever they wish. And that has the potential to seriously disrupt our narrative. Last week, Jesse Schell came to us […]