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Hello everyone, this is team Beyond Interaction and I am the producer on the team, Mayank Grover. One behalf of the team I would like to mention that everyone is really excited about the numerous possibilities that this project can take. We will be working with Asi Burak, Michelle Byrd and Emily Treat from Games for Change. Going forward Emily would be the primary contact for the project from client side. We are also excited about working with Drew Davidson and Jessica Tribus as our faculty advisers on this project.

Let me introduce everyone on the team (in no specific order)..

Yen-Chu Chen (Lucien)
Benjamin Uscinski (Ben)
Scott Chen
Brian Lee
Ying Yuan (Stephanie)
Yichao Guo (Peter)
Yunixin Zheng (Allison)
Mayank Grover

Week 1 
To kick things off we set up our rooms such that everyone had sufficient room to work in individually as well as still be able to communicate across the space without any hurdles. The team met twice during the first week. The first meeting was primarily a warm up for welcoming everyone on the team and getting to know each other a little bit. To that extend we went out for a team lunch as well. The second meeting was more of a brainstorm session to come up with a few ideas in the Games for Change space to get the mental juices following encouraging everyone on the team to think in that space.

We had our first meeting with our project advisers to layout few of the process like using scrum model for project tracking. We have also scheduled our weekly faculty meeting with advisers for every Friday at 1 pm going forward. Our first call with clients is scheduled for Wednesday, 23rd January and by the mid of next week we would have a lot more clarity on what direction the project will take. We are also anticipating a visit from Emily on February 1st which would be a good opportunity for the team to interact with clients directly.

The newsletters will typically be out every Friday for weekly updates. That’s it for week 1, have a great day everyone.

Mayank Grover