Logo Design
Firstly, I developed different kinds of typography sketches to see which fits the team vision more. What key elements should a good logo have?

Since the color value and saturation of Lego is high, I finally decided to use the primary colors as the color palettes for our logo.

The container of Lego actually inspired me to make the logo look like 3D!

Poster Design
Since I used to use Illustrator to create isometric artwork, It was my first time using 3D modeling tool to develop an artwork and I had so much fun creating different block objects and trying various effects with interactive path tracing renderer. Magica Voxel is a perfect introductory 3D modeling tool for me for it is incredibly easy to learn and use.
Based on the team’s vision, I started with two art concepts to develop the visual.
Concept (1): Playful experience with Lego and the library
Visual display: Isometric structor, Library element
Concept (2): Combination of Lego and new technology
Visual display : pleasing & energetic layout, Futuristic & innovative, element distribution is organized and colorful
According to the concept above, I landed on the final design elaborating with Hunt Library as main visual and surrounded by plenty of playful, colorful and delightful elements, also making use of lighting to create a little party vibes.