Week 11

Week 11

Hongzhu has laid down the groundwork for Survivors to now load three descriptions that dynamically change for them based on their Status bar.

New resource models for Fuel and Rations have been implemented, and Keran was kind enough to retexture these first so they would communicate more fluidly in Unity’s HD render pipeline.

Based on player feedback from last Saturday, the level’s tornado placement and a lot of resources have been moved around, for better playability.

A new Mini-Map first pass has been implemented for HDRP! From early playtests, players now want an arrow of sorts to help in orienting the camera and player’s facing direction. This has been implemented since then!

For our internal playtest builds, Varun has added a debug panel, so we can more rapidly find breaks in the gameplay. This is already saving the two programmers time when it comes to debugging new features.

Fog of War has been reinstated with HDRP! Varun imagines a wave-like fog for Galilei-9E.