Week One (Spring Semester)

The team hit the ground running.

Dorothy walked in the door with a rough model of our main character ready to go, Chen was working on a new cut of the Animatic by day two, and the rest of the team were either running simulations or doing research into various ways to make our pipeline run smoother.

Foxhole 2.0 is the Spring semester team allocated with producing what the Fall semester Foxhole team developed in pre production. Paul Navarro and Chen Yang helped to develop that vision as the Director and Editor/Visual Effects Artist respectively, and have carried over to this semester to help bring this ship into port. Adding their talents to the 2.0 team is Cewon Kim, Shashank Kiramkonda, Dorothy (Yuan) Sheng, and Julia Wu. Joel Ogden also joined our team for his independent project as a modeling and all purpose talent to help us tackle this monster task.

It has been a great luxury to come into an ETC project with a path already laid out for us, but it does feel like we’re already behind. As we dissect the workload, we are trying to discover ways to ease our burden. We plan to run two composite/style tests through the end of next week so that we have a better idea of how to allocate resources and manage our time. We are also learning to use the ETC MoCap system next week in hopes of using it to animate at least some of the character movements. We are also looking into the capabilities of the main campus MoCap system.

As for logistics, we have the entire team working with Hansoft to help keep us on schedule, we have met with our advisors several times and have scheduled our weekly meetings for Mondays. And Cewon brought a coffeemaker, so we’re all set to tackle the challenges ahead!