Newsletter 1 : Week 1

Date : January 16th, 2015

This was the first week, in a new location at Silicon Valley. The first day was rather interesting, as we got our badges, followed by an orientation from Carl Rosendahl about work ethics at Electronic Arts, then lunch with ETC alums. We took some time in setting up computers and settling at our desks then.

This week was a mixture of calm, busy and full of excitement. We met our advisors to have a discussion regarding the project and our backgrounds. Since, our client and the advisors are the same; we got a better insight to the project early on and got to a quick start to it. We were told that our only main constraint was that it needs to be a ‘multiplayer/user game’ which in itself a task as ‘multiplayer’ augmented reality game using Epson’s moverio glasses was yet to be explored.

We then, took some time discussing over our roles on the project along with the team name “Illusions”. We decided upon the core hours, set up our schedules, gave in different time slots for our weekly team meetings.

The team then according to their roles started exploring different areas about the project such the technology, game ideas etc. We then met to discuss those game ideas every day and started narrowing it down from 10 to 4. The team spent some time in preparing for a short presentation for the next advisor meeting on Tuesday.

We would also be starting to pick up, slowly by presenting more concrete and detailed ideas in the coming week, and at the same gathering all the materials required for branding our project.