Week 13-14 Soft and Final planning


We finalized a playable version before the soft opening, in which the guest will be able to complete the full loop of practice and review.

We received some feedback from faculty, mainly hitting on:

  • Think about letting the user access the summary other than just in between practice and review
  • Polish the details of summary page
  • The podium placement is not very user-friendly
  • Consider having only one clicker available in VR at a time

Then we worked on iterating the build, and preparing documentation for handing over the application to our clients.

Meanwhile, we conducted another TA test sessions and collect evidence of the product effectiveness. We will give them further training along with the client next week, after we install all the necessary software on client’s VR practice room on main campus.


According the feedback we received from the soft opening, we implemented the multi-session menu as well as the summary page following into the experience loop.