Week 1
Hello and welcome to Sweet Talk’s weekly newsletter!
This being our first week, we spent the first day mostly exploring and touring our new campus at EA! We had a smooth induction into our new workspace thanks to our our faculty and staff. We had our very first networking opportunity with a few willing souls at EA on the very first day, introducing ourselves to each other and the new workspace buddies for here on out!
We set up our workspace, and soon began our team-kickoff meeting that focused on what the project is and what we want to get out of working on this project. Then we spent some time brainstorming a cool team name; somehow the name <Speakeasy> came to light and we decided to go with it until approval.
Thereafter, our week was focused on defining individual member roles on the team, scope of the project, and a draft of the goals we want to achieve. Over the course of the semester we will be working on HTC Vive and aim to have a voice interface as the primary source of interaction for the player. Speaking of voice interface, we explored Amazon’s Echo and are hoping to work with Google Home soon.
We spent the remainder of the week exploring games and experiences in VR that already exist, even checking movies that show the use of voice interface and smart AI in one way or other. Our efforts were directed towards researching existing materials that were in any way relevant to what we will be doing in the next few weeks of our project. From a production standpoint, we made a rough draft of the things we would like to get done in the first four weeks of our project.
We will be sharing more as we move forward into the semester! Thank you for visiting; please feel free to check our newsletter section next week for more updates!