Weekly Update

Week 6

This week we moved more fully into the prototype phase of the project, though, of course, we expect to continue to update the knowledge base whenever we encounter something interesting.

Prototyping process

We’ve decided that in our prototyping process we would mainly handle the technology part and consult Sam and Gab for the narrative part.

We made our first prototype, documented it and sent it to project partners Sam and Gab.

Prototype 1: Emote Me


The guests have control over the actor’s emotions.


Five guests can change the amount of sadness, joy, anger or fear an actor feels by pressing on actuators. The actor is cued on the dominant emotion by the screen and changes their performance (or potentially their words) accordingly.


Makey Makey. Unity.

Full documentation



  • We had our first encounter with difficulties with team dynamics, that we will try to work through this week by having a team meeting or mediated meeting as soon as possible. (Note: To protect the team’s privacy this is all we will document publicly on the subject.)

-Healthy & Tina