Albert Gea

Albert has always been fascinated by how stuff works. During his undergraduate study at NYU, he created an Individualized Major, pursuing courses in the history and philosophy of science, math, programming, motion capture, etc.

Experiences at the NYU Film School during this time made him realize that what he enjoyed more than studying the universe was creating universes. To this end, he came to the ETC to solidify the skills he would need to work with people who are equally passionate for entertainment technology.

His role during his three project semesters has been as a Producer. He is interested in efficiency and interdisciplinary relations: how teammates can best manage assets amongst and support each other.

He is currently working as an Associate Producer at Invodo Inc. in support of Animators and Producers creating on-device experiences for e-commerce.

Educational History

B.A. in Individualized Study New York University
