Ben Buchwald

Growing up, Ben was fascinated by the way technology could be used to create an environment or tell a story. At Disney World or in the theater, it was how lighting and effects created the experience that intrigued him. With a natural talent for things technical, Ben liked to use that skill to solve problems in interesting ways.

When he chose to do his undergrad at Carnegie Mellon, a school with both an excellent drama department and a first rate computer science school, Ben already knew that entertainment technology was what he wanted to do. When he learned about the ETC in his freshman year he knew it was where he would end up. After leaving the drama department and finally settling in computer science, Ben sought out opportunities to work with artists to build unique, interactive installations that went beyond both art and video games. After hanging around the ETC for several year he now plunges in head on.

Educational History

BS Computer Science, 2003 Carnegie Mellon
