Casey Ging

Hi, I am Casey. I spent the majority of my academic career obtaining my degree in architecture. In my free time, I wrote screenplays, animated, worked on various graphic design projects, and made short films.

Now I am pursuing my Masters in Entertainment Technology from Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center. I must say, that it was the best move of my life. I take everything I have learned in my previous life, and create fun things that entertain people. My goal is to create stories that not only entertain people but allow the audience to interact across physical and virtual environments.

When I am not creating stuff, I am an avid outdoors man, scuba diver, musician, and fan of all Pittsburgh sports. I draw from these experiences when trying to create unique and creative forms of entertainment for all to enjoy.

Current Project: infinitE

Role: Experience Design/Artist

Internship: Schell Games


Past Projects

  • Prisoners Cinema

Educational History

Northeastern University - B.S. Architecture, 2013

Work History

Schell Games, KlingStubbins, Library of Congress
