Emily Sun

Emily Sun is a second-year student at the ETC currently on co-op at Sifteo, a start-up in San Francisco. She is part of a small team creating a new technology platform that is the future of play. With a natural curiosity of how the world works, Emily was eager to study the sciences in school. She fell in love with the idea of designing products driven by user needs and double-majored in Engineering and Psychology at Swarthmore College. She has worked at Sesame Workshop, Newsweek, Design Science, and Fidelity Investments, exploring areas such as interactive media, ergonomics, human factors design, and usability testing.

The ETC provided Emily with the chance to apply her knowledge to the realm of entertainment technology. She is interested in tangible interactions with products and immersive experiences in theme parks. She is also fascinated by the intersection of education and entertainment and has worked on an interactive museum exhibit for the California Academy of Sciences.

Emily is excited for the opportunity to work with artists and programmers alike, learn new skills, and pursue her dreams that she never thought would be possible.

Educational History

B.S. Engineering & B.A. Psychology Swarthmore College
