Leisen Huang

Leisen has always been a creative engineer, a logical designer and an aesthetic developer. She got her Bachelor’s Degree in Automation at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), which allows her to have a programming background and an ability in systematic analysis.

As a passionate gamer, she enrolled in the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), Carnegie Mellon University, pursuing her dream to bring joy to people. She loves the interdisciplinary nature of the program and cooperating with these great people. She is now a final semester student at ETC and she is ready to move on to her career in the game industry.

Role: Programmer

Past Projects

  • tEAm (Interconnected Game – EA)

Educational History

B.E. in Automation University of Science and Technology of China

Work History

HEXAD Programmer Spring 2013   Interconnected Game Programmer Fall 2013
