Philip Bloom

Born in sunny Miami in southern Florida, I'm a lifetime lover of games and game design. Fortunate enough thus far to get to study under skilled design teachers, I'm currently working on honing my skill at managing and directing groups towards producing excellent games. The last few years I've mostly been moving from game project to game project throughout the academic arena. Currently looking to enter the industry and put my skills to use in the business arena.

Hobby-wise these days I tend to work on my role playing site, meant as a small hub for groups of friends to get together and game, and grumble about not having more time for such things. That is when I'm not playing or writing about video games. Some writings on such can also be found on my site: or at my old place of work's editorial section:

One of my favorite things in game development is bringing things together. While my background is in programming, I tend to be more interested in keeping the big picture together and forming frameworks to organize others work well.

Educational History

Computer Science and Computer System Engineering Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute
