ETC Project AR app being used in Carnegie Museum of Art

During the spring of 2017 semester, team PlastAR worked with Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Architecture and the Carnegie Museum of Art to create a compelling augmented reality experience using the Google Tango.

Soon, the Carnegie Museum of Art Hall of Architecture will use tablets outfitted with the app, Plaster ReCast, to enhance a user’s experience of the impressive plaster casts of giant, structural wonders.  Using the table, a museum guest will be able to point the table let at a plaster cast, and a 3D animation to allow investigation of the cast and read about the cast’s history.

Josh Bard (right) and Francesca Torello (left) use Plaster ReCast in the Hall of Architecture. Image courtesy of Carnegie Mellon University

An article in Next Pittsburgh, discusses the augmented reality app in user test as well as other programs aimed at making the hall more interesting to guest.  “Plaster ReCast serves as one of the projects featured as part of Copy + Paste: Hall of Architecture, an eight-month investigation bringing together curators, technologists, students, architects and artists to test new ways of presenting information about the space. The initiative will then gather visitor feedback meant to inform future efforts to make the Hall more exciting and accessible.”

Read more about the app, as well as workshops in the Hall of Architecture Labs in Next Pittsburgh.

Job well done to the PlastAR team: Team Members: Jiayang (JZ) ZhangZiqi (Michael) MaAlejendra (Aly) SotoYuanzhaou (LaiLai) HaSiyuan (Kevin) HuYiwen Zhang  Team Instructors: Shirley Saldamarco and  Heather Kelley

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